
Wait ...

Where do I apply?! This position posted on Craigslist sounds perfect.

Personal Assistant needed
Looking for a assistant to help in texting duties -
deleting texts
alerting of new texts
reading texts
filtering text
I get 40 – 50 texts an hour, I cant handle my workload plus texting responsibilities. My phone gets too full and needs deleted every couple hours. This is a full time position and you must be where ever I am at, because my phone is always with me. Serious inquiries only.

* Location: XXXXXXXXX
* Compensation: Full Time – 15.00 hr plus snacks



Our Union

I consistently have crazy dreams, but lately I've been having ones about getting married or attending a reception or trying on wedding dresses - you know, crazy dreams. I don't know if it's because I've recently seen episodes of "Say Yes to the Dress" or because I've been getting all gooey over romantic poetry lately, but these dreams (or nightmares?) have been happening for the past week or two.

I had another one last night and woke up this morning, thinking about a poem I read yesterday that I really love.

Our union is like this: you feel cold, so I reach for a blanket
to cover our shivering feet.
A hunger comes into your body, so I run to my garden
and start digging up potatoes.
You asked for a few words of guidance, and I quickly kneel
by your side offering you a whole book as a gift.
You ache with loneliness one night so much you weep, and I say
here is a rope, tie it around me, I will be your companion for life.

- Our Union, Hafiz

This doesn't have to necessarily refer to a wedding union, it could be any kind of commitment, really. I just love romantic poetry that isn't all "I'd die for you" all the time. Sigh ... so sweet. These dreams need to stop, I'm giving myself a toothache!


The Times

"The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is
Rapidly fadin'.
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin'."

- Bob Dylan

One more week. The times, they are a-changin'.


Shut Up, Early Bird

I'm not a morning person. Never have been. Some people apparently find this very offensive and take it personally.

This morning I was walking into the Starbucks near my house for their crack-cocaine house blend because the watered down swill at work just wasn't going to cut it. I go to pull the door open at the exact moment some guy went to pull it as well. We did that awkward 'no, you go ahead' dance with each other for a few seconds until I just went for it again. Surprisingly, we pulled it simultaneously for a second time. I then realized he was playing a game. How? This 40-something year old man peeked through the posters plastered on the door and stuck his tongue out at me, in a 'tee hee hee' sort of way. Like a child. A child that has severely underestimated my decaffeinated patience in the morning. I'm sure he could see how unamused I was (I wasn't hiding my annoyance), so his face fell and he opened the door to leave, breezing past me saying, "some people just don't know how to have fun". What?! That rude little remark made me want to kick him in the shins until he retracted it.

You see, I've been lacking in sleep this entire week. Last night, I took a three hour nap after work and was still tired when I finally went to bed around midnight. Then, the trolley started honking at 2:16 am. Why was the trolley honking? I have no idea. The trolley never honks, even when it's running in the day time. I've barely ever heard more than a little beep from it. Walking to my car this morning I realized all the midnight activity was Oktoberfest being set up in downtown La Mesa, which meant I had to drive around an entire part of town to get on the freeway. I was annoyed before I even got to Starbucks and met my fun-loving friend. I was exhausted. It was 6:30 in the morning. He had already consumed his energy-enhancing beverage, I had not. Hey, rude Starbucks guy, you need to take all of these variables into consideration before claiming I don't know how to do something.

Bottom line - shut up, stupid early bird. I totally know how to have fun. You don't know me! You don't know my life!


Weekly Shudder

This week: I'm laughing because I'm uncomfortable. Heh, heh.


Sometimes it's difficult for me to deviate away from the pop culture frame of mind, where the word 'hero' produces images of fan favorites from today's popular comic books, all bulging muscles and primary colored costumes. But after I wake up from dreaming about Christian Bale in a Batman suit, I remember that super heroes have a lot in common with the day-to-day champions we know and admire. Real life heroes are people that do super things - athletes that accomplish amazing physical feats, volunteers that make great contributions to their causes, people with in the community who make a difference - even the ordinary looking guy, waiting in line to order coffee.

The other morning I was running late for work and waited impatiently in the Starbucks drive-thru for my coffee. After what seemed like forever, the stress from facing impending traffic on the 8 made me snap at the barista when I finally reached the window. She handed me my double-tall-nonfat-whatever and instead of telling me my total, she asked if I would like to 'pay it forward'. Pay it forward? Uh, like the movie? I was confused, but correct. According to her, the first person who came for coffee that morning asked if they could pay it forward by buying the next customer's drink and so on, asking her only to pass on the message ... and to her surprise, it worked! For each El Cajon & 68th Starbucks patron that went through the drive-thru that morning, their coffee was already paid for. Instead of hearing a total at the window, they got their beverage for free and were asked to continue the trend. I was around the twentieth person to reach the window ... and I did pay it forward. I drove to work that morning so touched from that small act of kindness, I hardly even noticed the traffic.

It's hard for me to label any one person in my life a hero because I find inspiration in so many. While some people admire physical strength and others idolize high IQs, one thing I believe all heroes have in common is their ability to inspire. That illuminated Starbucks patron, a determined barista and every coffee drinker that paid it forward that day, did exactly that for me. As a society, we are capable of doing the most terrible things imaginable, but that isn't all we can do. We have the ability to love. We have the sense to be patient, compassionate and understanding. We have the resources to help those around us, even if we don't get anything in return. You may think that your actions, good and bad, are minuscule and unimportant, but they most certainly are not. You can light the match that ignites the fire of change by doing something small each day to make this world a better place. Due to this simple philosophy, supported by a small, unremarkable act of kindness, humanity itself is the 'hero' in my life because it inspires the hero in me.