

Pulsating cursor
on a blank word doc
you're sometimes, always my best friend

Beating pixels
on a brainwave
birth me creative, I beg of you

Inhale, exhale
frustration leaves me oxygenated
but still without material

to entertain you.

The End?
It's the best I've got ...
The End.


Childhood Dreams

I had a dream about my childhood. About waking up before the day was humid to pick blackberries on a bike ride. The Cranberries could have been(and to be quite honest, interestingly enough, they probably were) playing.

Running shorts and jelly sandals. Perfectly hair-sprayed bangs. Scrunchie. Yes, Carrie was right, no New York native would ever wear one. Regardless, this was the uniform for fun in the summertime.

Remember what it was like to look forward to something? "Tomorrow, I'm riding my bike down the trail and putting fruit in my basket". Afterwards, we hung out Lucas style on the underpass/concrete graveyard near the local college. Tagged into oblivion, only druggies hung out there. Is that the first time I saw a recreational needle? Maybe?

All I know is that it was cool. Cool because it was new. I'd discovered the dirty side of my small society, while participating in an all American pastime, eating berries off of bushes and bike riding around my sleepy southwest cul-de-sac. Maybe that is THE all American pastime, juxtaposition of the saint and sinner.

Who needs to make jam when you can pretend you like the smell of cigarettes underneath the freeway? Not me.


Good Things

... are coming soon!



Your love, it feels like warmth
radiating laterally -
a warmth I'm afraid will burn me
sometimes I question our compatibility.

Because the moon illuminates
whatever mist surrounds her -
it's all about circumference, babe
and on that note, you illuminate me
I'm all about your circumference, babe.

Act Now

Go out on a limb. Say what you think. In the long run, it will never hurt your cause.


Late October

the leaves of autumn
sprinkle down the tinny
sound of little dyings
and skies stated
of ruddy sunsets
of roseate dawns
roil ceaselessly in
cobweb greys and turn
to black
for comfort.

Only leaves
see the fall
a signal end to endings
a gruffish gesture alerting
those who will not be alarmed
that we begin to stop
in order simply
to begin

<3 M. Angelou


Sayonara, Sucker

You worked so hard to win me
and said I was your girl,
there was a time I loved you
but now you make me want to hurl.

You think with what fills up your pants
And live your life in excess,
I should have read between the lines
and your affection for both sexes.

Sayonara, sucker!
Adios, you big asshole!
Good-bye, good for nothing,
you should learn some self control.

We were your sad experiment
And boy, was I a fool,
to think that you were something more
than just a worthless tool.

I know your nook feels naked now
though your bed is filled with trash,
and what you claim you're looking for
will leave you with a rash.

Sayonara, sucker!
Adios, you big asshole!
Good-bye, good for nothing,
you should learn some self control.

Your lines were all rehearsed
and your game was just pretend,
the only thing I got from you
was heartbreak in the end.

The moral of this story:
you truly are retarded,
if only I had seen it sooner
we never would have started!


A Few Words From Pablo

I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret,
between the shadow and the soul.
I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love, a certain fragrance, risen from the Earth,
lives darkly in my body.
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way than this:
where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.

Oh, to be loved like this.


You Again

Why havent you left yet?
Your time is up, so go like the rest
Why havent you left yet?
Get out of here so I can get on
with getting over it.
I push you away
and am still surprised by the result
I push because its expected
I push because I want to be the first one
to not give a fuck anymore.
Im the girl who is first to have the last word
and the best at leaving the worst in my wake.
Why havent you left yet?
Your time is up, so go like the rest
Why havent you left yet?
Get out of here so I can get on
with getting over it ...again.