
Bucket List

Last night I was sorting through a stack of half-filled notebooks and I found the bucket list I started a while ago. Now, it's not very thorough or detailed, but it does include some major things I must do before I kick it. I have a few more to add, but for now I'm comfortable with this outline for my future.

1. Skydive/ hang glide/ bungee jump
2. Travel (refer to Wonders of the World list attached)
3. Be animated into a cartoon character
4. Read the great American novels (refer to list attached)
5. Save a life/ bring someone back to life
6. Learn to read Braille
7. Publish something
8. Become a licensed pilot
9. Build/ help build a house
10. Get married
11. Give birth
12. Body paint
13. Own a gun
14. Become a great-grandparent
15. Learn to salsa dance
16. Write my eulogy
17. Become trilingual
18. Shave my head
19. Get lasik surgery
20. Learn to play the piano
21. Compose something
22. Research another religion
23. Study my genealogy
24. Volunteer in a foreign country
25. Invent something/ secure a patent
26. Participate in a marathon/ triathlon
27. Pose nude
28. Have 6-pack abs
29. Own land
30. Become/ obtain a muse
31. Create a secret recipe
32. Get over my fear of the deep ocean
33. Be good at yoga
34. Challenge someone to a duel
35. Slap someone across the face with a fish

Hmm, I've actually already accomplished, or semi-accomplished some of these ... I'm on my way (but hopefully not too soon)!

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