
Summer Vacation

'I am taking the summer off' is something I'd never thought I'd say, at least for a few more years. But yes, it's true ... a mental and physical rehabilitation is desperately needed before I start 'real' college this fall. This past semester was seriously one of the most challenging so far in my academic career. I don't know if that was due to the instructors, the material or my schedule overall - but I was already burned out before finals even came around.

Anyway, I've majorly gone against my grain with taking this huge chunk of time off from classes. I have a problem with feeling like I am wasting time when I am not exerting myself to the fullest extent. Unfortunately, this practice has finally caught up with me because I definitely ran myself into the ground this past semester. In order to prevent a complete shock to my system, though, I am still taking one class (yoga) because I need to zen before giving in to impending chaos come late August. Plus, I still have to finish putting my house together, put my finances back in order after my move, get back into shape and still try to have some sort of social interaction in the process.

Here's to summer and vacations and time off from responsibility! Whee!

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