I love Halloween, I'm sad it's almost over and October has one foot out the door already. I'm planning my costume for next year ... which is going to be difficult. Every year needs to be better than the last, I don't know how I'm going to keep that going!
2011 - The Gatekeeper - Ghostbusters (first couples costume!)
2010 - Zombie Amelia Earhart
2009 - Max - Where the Wild Things Are
2008 - Sarah Palin (hopefully this costume will not be relevant ever again)
2007 - Alice in Wonderland & Alex - A Clockwork Orange
2006 - Witch & Lil John (YEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!)
2005 - Doll & Skeleton
2004 - FBI Agent (I regret this, like all "sexy" costumed girls should)
2003 - Skunk
Mama needs some amazingly cool ideas for October 2012!
How about a headless Marie Antoinette??