A while ago, I went and saw the Bodies exhibit at UTC. It was incredible, even though Dateline recently reported that the bodies in that collection were illegally attained (they were unclaimed Chinese prisoners) and they weren't even dissected or preserved properly. That news was definitely a little disappointing, I have massive respect for the human body and learning about that kind of treatment is upsetting.
Anyway, this month Body Worlds is coming the The San Diego Natural History Museum! This exhibit is better than Bodies because it is one of six original exhibits, created by Dr. Gunther von Hagens, who actually developed the plastination process (which is basically replacing all fluids and fats of a the cadaver with silicone rubber). I was looking at tickets online and guess what? According to The Union Tribune, you can totally donate your body to this exhibit!
"Mission Valley resident Carrie Garrett agreed to donate her body after seeing the exhibit in Portland, Ore. As a nursing student, she has dissected bodies and was inspired by the people who had donated their corpses for her hands-on experience ... many of von Hagens' donors are medical workers and scientists, an exhibit spokeswoman said. Some are teachers who want to continue teaching after death. Others are environmentalists who see this as a way to recycle their bodies."
At last, my wildest dreams have come true! Plastination, here I come! Promise you'll come visit me when I'm stuffed full of silicone and posed shooting hoops or playing chess ... or maybe holding my own skin like this guy? AMAZING!!!

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