Needless to say, I drove to work around 10:30 am very disgruntled. "Urgh!", I thought, "My life sucks! Why am I always a common thread in ridiculous situations like this?!". Then I looked up and out of my window to see a homeless woman, begging. Gosh, I am seriously such a brat. Sometimes I feel like I need a swift kick in the ass to bring me back around to what is really important. Feeling sorry for myself because of a situation I have absolutely no control over ... what a waste! Why am I spending so much time scowling about it? Just roll with the punches, Autumn. Everything will work out somehow. You will get through your classes. No one cares that you burned an entire batch of birthday cupcakes. It will all be okay, I promise.
Which brings me to the little things in life that make it all worth it. After reprimanding myself for being such a complaining beast, I stopped at a coffee shop near my work. A dancing cappuccino was outside. I started laughing hysterically, something I desperately needed at that exact moment. What, I ask you, is more hilarious than a man dressed as an inanimate object flailing wildly around the sidewalk? Nothing! He barely missed clothes-lining an elderly woman coming out of the bank next door (that shouldn't make the situation funnier, but it does). There are plenty of things in this world that I experience on a regular basis that make me happy ... I need to show more gratitude for them. Like a cup of coffee, the paper and a morning full of possibilities. Like standing up to my parents and knowing they secretly respect me for doing so. Like diving into my bed made up with clean sheets or discovering other people's amusing blogs or getting off work early and doing absolutely nothing for once.
Embrace the little things, because after everything is said and done, they are the only things that really matter.