
Just Not That Into You

With Valentine's Day about to roll around again this year, I feel the need to discuss an interesting kind of relationship I've been involved in for the past few months. I'm not talking about the basic boyfriend-girlfriend situation or the slightly disturbing thing I've got going with my wittle kitty babies, I'm talking about the roller coaster of emotions that is the job interview process.

I recently left the job I was at for over 4 years to pursue my education, thinking it wouldn't be too hard to find something part time to cover what my student loans didn't. Boy, was I wrong. For the last 4 months I've been going insane, picking apart each interview like a blind date. I've obsessed over each question asked and answered, assured myself my first impression was good enough and prayed for a phone call the next day. Then, when one didn't come ... I resorted to stuffing my face full of preservative rich snack foods and watching movie marathons on the Lifetime Channel. You know, the usual follow up to rejection ...

I'm telling you, this is the worst "relationship" I've ever been in.

I hate it.

I'm over it.

Happy Unemployment Awareness Day!